

Gennaro d’Andria is recommended by Who’s Who Legal in the category Italy – Competition
Our firm is a member of Associazione Antitrust Italiana.
International Bar Association
Gennaro is a member of the German association of competition law specialists (Studienvereinigungkartellrecht).
Gennaro is a member of EALA – European Air Law Association. The membership of EALA comprises leading academics, national and EU officials, representatives of international civil aviation organisations, airlines, insurers, lessors and practitioners.
The German embassy has added us to the list of German-speaking law firms based in Rome.
We assisted a leading automation solutions company in the acquisition of full ownership of its Italian subsidiary.
We join 4cLegal, the Italian operator specialising in the organization of professional beauty contests in the legal sector. Solutions that save time and financial resources, and comply with regulations and internal policies.
Gennaro d’Andria chairs the Italian section of the Marketing & Advertising commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
We are a member of Union des avocats européens (UAE)