
Shanghai, 18-20 February 2025: Our firm is a sponsor of the IATA World Legal Symposium in Shanghai, the leading aviation law conference.

Federica Cinquetti is recommended by Who’s Who Legal in the category Product Liability

According to the 2023 edition of Legal500 EMEA, our team has ‘great understanding of the industry‘, and are able to ‘get straight to the problem and provide clear solutions through concise communication.‘ Gennaro d’Andria is regarded as a ‘top-notch competition lawyer, who is very quick to understand the needs of clients, and extremely pleasant in his approach and relationship with clients. He does exactly what he says and keeps pricing transparent.‘

We assisted the management in the acquisition of the entire share capital of Loden Luxury s.r.l., an Italian fashion company established at the end of 2012 that manufactures and distributes loden wool coats, capes and jackets under the LodenTal brand.

We supported our client Aeromexico in all corporate and regulatory aspects pertaining to the launch of its first direct flight connecting Rome and Mexico City.

Debt collection in Italy: Please refer to our online guide and get in touch for a free assessment of your claim.

We assisted the successful remedy taker in the approval by the EU Commission of the upfront remedy proposed in the merger M.10721 CELANESE | DUPONT (MOBILITY & MATERIALS BUSINESS).

Foreign Direct Investment: Our briefing on Italian regulations and their implications.

Lovisa: We assisted the international jewellery brand on its launch on the Italian market.

ESG Certificate: Our Law Firm is one of the first in Italy to obtain a ESG certificate with over 20 sustainability criteria satisfied in the provision of legal services.

We successfully assisted Vueling in the investigation launched by the Italian Antitrust Authority (Agcm) into COVID-related cancellations and ticket refunds. The Agcm accepted the commitments submitted by Vueling and closed the investigation without fines.

Consumer protection and COVID-19: we defend four companies, including two airlines, involved in the investigations launched by the Italian Competition Authority alleging the exploitation of the pandemic for commercial purposes.

Gennaro d’Andria is regarded as “irreplaceable” in 2020 Top Legal’s antitrust & regulatory guide.

Gennaro d’Andria is recommended by Who’s Who Legal in the category Italy – Competition

GCR Live 11th Annual Competition Litigation 2019: Gennaro d’Andria is a panelist on private enforcement of competition law.

Chambers Antitrust Litigation 2019 Guide – Italy: we author the Italian chapter on antitrust damage claims.

Briefing: Current ECJ case law on passenger rights in air transport: a short digest.

Gennaro d’Andria speaks at the CDR Winter Competition Litigation Symposium, London, 28 February 2019.

We are a networking sponsor of The Lawyer’s Managing Risk & Litigation Conference (20 November, London).

Our newsletter on blockchain provides an overview of current and potential applications, regulatory frameworks and agency investigations.

The 2018 edition of Legal500 recommends us in the categories Dispute Resolution and EU & Competition.

Our Firm is the sponsor of the second edition of the Italian Negotiation Competition, that will be hosted on 8-9 February by LUMSA University in Rome.

Our firm is a member of Associazione Antitrust Italiana.

Drones: Rules in the Making – Our briefing provides an overview of developments in EU and national legislation.

Gennaro is a member of the German association of competition law specialists (Studienvereinigungkartellrecht).

Gennaro is a member of EALA – European Air Law Association. The membership of EALA comprises leading academics, national and EU officials, representatives of international civil aviation organisations, airlines, insurers, lessors and practitioners.

We provided comprehensive data protection advice to Walletsaver, one of the most dynamic Italian start-ups in the telecoms sector.

We implement a multiple claim management system for a corporate client, allowing the legal department immediate access to documentation and evidence through a dedicated IT-platform. Workflow protocols and service levels are inlcuded.

We are instructed by an airline to defend against passengers claims throughout the national territory. Thanks to our management model and the extensive use of IT tools, we handle hundreds of claims ensuring timely monitoring and reporting.

Practcal Law publishes our article on class actions in Italy.

We successfully represent airlines’ interests in administrative courts against the increase of air passenger duties at Italian airports.

Antitrust compliance programmes as a mitigating factor, the first decision of the Italian Authority: we successfully applied for a fine reduction on behalf of a client.

Sector update: the main provisions introduced by the recent Italian legislation on tobacco products (in English).

Also this year we sponsor the Top Legal Corporate Counsel Awards in Milan.

February 2017: Once again Gennaro d’Andria is a Client Choice Award Winner, thanks to excellent references from our clients.

Innovative court order suspends half of the fine imposed on our client by the Italian Competition Authority.

Snowchains: we assisted Sixt Italy, one of the car rentals involved in the Italian Competition Authority investigations that ended with the acceptance of commitments aimed at increasing price transparency and consumers awareness.

We assisted Sicuritalia, a leading provider of surveillance services, in the unfair terms investigation of the Italian Competition Authority. The final decision has acknowledged that the new consumer contracts are fully compliant with the Italian Consumer Code.

We author the Italian section of the 2014 Handbook of Competition Enforcement Agencies, a publication of Global Competition Review.

ACL Briefing: Our first briefing provides an overview of the current Italian Competition Authority investigation into the features of “Littlest Pet Shop”, an app-based game for mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones.

Unilever Italy GC Giulia di Tommaso points to our law firm in a conversation with The Lawyer magazine.

We assist one of the companies involved in the cartel investigation into the concrete market.

We assisted an airline in the Italian investigation into travel insurance. The authority eventually acknowledged the compliance of our client’s revised website with consumer regulations. (FT – Italian watchdog fines Ryanair and easyJet)

Our law firm is instructed in the Italian antitrust investigation on broadcasting post-production tenders.

Top Legal Awards: Gennaro d’Andria is shortlisted for the category EU & Competition Law 2013.

Top Legal Corporate Counsel Awards, first edition (2013): Gennaro d’Andria gives the award for antitrust to the in-house team of Wind Telecomunicazioni.

Business International: Our firm is the official sponsor of the Antitrust Compliance conference, to be held in Milan on 29 May

Also this year we are praised by Chambers Europe and Legal500. Gennaro d’Andria is ranked as a leading individual in Competition/European Law: “He’s very open to the client and always ready to provide innovative and cost-effective solutions”.

Client Choice Awards: “Gennaro deserves our gratitude, trust and respect for his outstanding legal counselling, the quality and promptness of his legal advice, hands-on knowledge of the dynamics of our business and value for money of his deliverables.”

The Lawyer magazine mentions us as the firm that assisted in the Italian competition case that removed Alitalia’s monopoly on the busy Milan Linate to Rome Fiumicino route. The Lawyer – “Plane speaking”

We were involved in the milestone antitrust investigation against Alitalia monopoly on the Rome Fiumicino – Milan Linate route (“This is a historic decision and is a victory for Italian consumers”).

Global Competition Review: we author the Italian section of GCR Handbook of Competition Enforcement Agencies 2013 and 2014.

We assisted two airlines in reaching a settlement with the Italian Competition Authority regarding the implementation of credit card fees (TTG Italia – Entro dicembre le commissioni con carta di credito nel prezzo del biglietto)

Court partially grants our appeal against the Italian Competition Authority decision that imposed fines for EUR 81 million on 16 suppliers of cosmetic products (Il Sole 24 Ore – Vanno rideterminate le multe al cartello cosmetici).

We are appointed by a leading cruise operator to defend against consumer claims in a number of Italian courts.

We contributed to the World bank’s Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2017 project.

Rome, 8 April 2016: We sponsor the International Chamber of Commerce’s conference on “Monetization of intangibles: how to exploit intellectual property rights”.

Litigation briefing: the enforcement of foreign judgements following the entry into force of Regulation 1215/2012 (in Italian).

Legal Community 2015 Energy Awards: We are nominated in three categories: Emerging Law Firm, Emerging Lawyer and Regulatory/Antitrust.

Passenger rights: our newsletter deals with the Italian experience in the application of EU Regulation no. 261/2004 (in Italian).

The German embassy has added us to the list of German-speaking law firms based in Rome.

We assisted a leading automation solutions company in the acquisition of full ownership of its Italian subsidiary.

Milan, 3 July 2014: Also this year our firm is a sponsor of the Top Legal Corporate Counsel Awards.

January 2014: We defend an international financial institution against a lawsuit brought in the wake of the Madoff scandal.

Global Law Experts: we are the recommended firm for Dispute Resolution in Italy. Notably, Global Law Experts claims to
be the only organisation to recommend just one legal expert in each key practice area and country.

We assist the second largest Italian steelmaker in the divestiture of a subsidiary to Czech DT (Top Legal – BLF e DANDRIA nella cessione di BFM a DT; Il Sole 24 Ore – Lucchini: siglato accordo con la ceca DT per la cessione di BFM).

We are involved in the EUR 40 million dispute between Servola S.p.A. and Elettra s.r.l. that ended with the settlement of complex arbitration and court proceedings. Il Piccolo – Ferriera, scongiurato lo stop (25/01/2012)

We join 4cLegal, the Italian operator specialising in the organization of professional beauty contests in the legal sector. Solutions that save time and financial resources, and comply with regulations and internal policies.

We implemented a risk management and cost control model at the legal department of a large client. The project was named 2012 Value Champion by the US Association of Corporate Counsel: “A 40 percent savings on standard matters was impressive”.

London, 7-9 April 2014: Our law firm is a partner of the 10th edition of the Corporate Counsel & Compliance Exchange that will bring together forward thinking General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officers from across industries and geographies.

Roberto Pirozzi authors “Developments in the change of economic circumstances debate”, Vindobona Law Journal for International Arbitration, 2012.

Leaders League recommends our Law Firm for the categories Dispute Resolution and Antitrust

Gennaro d’Andria chairs the Italian section of the Marketing & Advertising commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Chambers Europe (2010-19) on Gennaro d’Andria: “Clients offer glowing reviews: he’s hard-working, proactive, meticulous, has great knowledge of industry, and is an excellent speaker of foreign languages”; “always ready to provide innovative and cost-effective solutions”.

According to the leading Italian publication in the legal market, Gennaro is regarded as “irreplaceable” in antitrust matters.

We are a member of Union des avocats européens (UAE)

Shanghai, 18-20 February 2025: Our firm is a sponsor of the IATA World Legal Symposium in Shanghai, the leading aviation law conference.

Federica Cinquetti is recommended by Who’s Who Legal in the category Product Liability

According to the 2023 edition of Legal500 EMEA, our team has ‘great understanding of the industry‘, and are able to ‘get straight to the problem and provide clear solutions through concise communication.‘ Gennaro d’Andria is regarded as a ‘top-notch competition lawyer, who is very quick to understand the needs of clients, and extremely pleasant in his approach and relationship with clients. He does exactly what he says and keeps pricing transparent.‘

We assisted the management in the acquisition of the entire share capital of Loden Luxury s.r.l., an Italian fashion company established at the end of 2012 that manufactures and distributes loden wool coats, capes and jackets under the LodenTal brand.

We supported our client Aeromexico in all corporate and regulatory aspects pertaining to the launch of its first direct flight connecting Rome and Mexico City.

Debt collection in Italy: Please refer to our online guide and get in touch for a free assessment of your claim.

We assisted the successful remedy taker in the approval by the EU Commission of the upfront remedy proposed in the merger M.10721 CELANESE | DUPONT (MOBILITY & MATERIALS BUSINESS).

Foreign Direct Investment: Our briefing on Italian regulations and their implications.

Lovisa: We assisted the international jewellery brand on its launch on the Italian market.

ESG Certificate: Our Law Firm is one of the first in Italy to obtain a ESG certificate with over 20 sustainability criteria satisfied in the provision of legal services.